
1. Introduction
2. Meristematic Tissues
3. Permanent Tissues
4. Simple Permanent Tissues
5. Complex Permanent Tissues
6. Structure of Dicot Stem
7. Structure of Monocot Stem
8. Structure of Dicot Root
9. Structure of Monocot Root
10. Structure of Dicot Leaf
11. Structure of Monocot Leaf
12. Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem
13. Secondary Growth in Dicot Root
14. Anomalous Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem
15. Anomalous Secondary Growth in Monocot Stem
16. Nodal Anatomy
17. Leaf Trace and Leaf Gap
18. Epidermal Tissue System
19. Stomata
20. Epidermal Appendages
21. Microscopy
22. Micro techniques
23. Temporary Mounting
24. Microtome
25. Fixation
26. Stains and Staining
27. Preparation of Permanent Slides
M.S University Questions