
1. Introduction to Horticulture
2. Seed Propagation
3. Nurseries
4. Transplanting
5. Orchards
6. Vegetative Propagation
7. Garden
8. Rockery
9. Lawn
10. Water Gardens
11. Gardening
12. Kitchen Garden
13. Indoor Gardening
14. Introduction to Plant Breeding
15. Selection Methods
16. Hybridization
17. Production of New Varieties
18. Mutation Breeding
19. Breeding for Disease Resistance


20. Scope of Horticulture
21. Vegetative Propagules
22. Bulb
23. Sucker
24. Corm
25. Advantages of Vegetative Propagation
26. Disadvantages of Vegetative Propagation
27. Garden Implements and Tools
28. Topiary
29. Organic Manures
30. Growth Regulators in Horticulture
31. Plant Protection Measures for Horticulture
32. Insect Pests
33. Control of Insect Pests
34. Mechanical Control of Insect Pests
35. Cultural Control of Insect Pests
36. Biological Control of Insect Pests
37. Chemical Control of Insect Pests
38. Nature of Pesticides
39. Non-Insect Pests and their Control
40. Pathogens
41. Nature of Plant Breeding
42. Plant Introduction
43. Heterosis
44. Heterosis Breeding
45. Polyploidy
46. Polyploidy Breeding
47. Applications of Polyploidy
48. Hedges
49. Edges
50. Bonsai
51. Glossary
52. M.S. University Questions