
1. Introduction to Genetics
2. The Cell
3. Nucleus
4. Chromosomes
5. Cell Cycle
6. Cell Division
7. Mitosis
8. Meiosis
9. Sporogenesis
10. Gametogenesis
11. Fertilization
12. Gene
13. Gene and Gene concept
14. Genetic Material
15. Nucleic Acids
16. Mendalism
17. Genic Interaction
18. Multiple Alleles
19. Multiple Gene Inheritance
20. Linkage
21. Crossing Over
22. Chromosome Map
23. Non - Mendelian Ratios
24. Sex Determination in Animals
25. Sex Determination in Plants
26. Sex Linked Inheritance
27. Non - Disjunction
28. Cytoplasmic Inheritance
29. Human Genetics
30. Simple Mendelian Traits in man
31. Syndromes
32. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
33. Human Chromosomes
34. Pedigree Analysis
35. Eugenics
36. Euthenics
37. Genetic Prognosis
38. Genetic Counselling
39. Euphenics
40. Effect of Drugs on Human Heredity
41. Human Genome Project
42. Genomics
43. Proteomics
44. Metabolomics
45. Phenomics
46. Microbial Genetics
47. General Mutation
48. Chromosomal Aberrations
49. Polyploidy
50. Radiation Genetics
51. Glossary
52. Index