

1. Introduction to Entomology
2. Branches of Entomology
3. Importance of Entomology
4. Scope of Entomology
5. History of Entomology
6. Insects and their Biological Success
7. General Characters of Class Insecta
8. Criteria for Insect Classification – Principles of Insect Classification
9. Outline Classification of Insects
10. Insect Classification
11. Apterygota
12. Pterygota
13. Exopterygota
14. Endopterygota
15. Zygentoma (Thysanura)
16. Archaeognatha (Microcoryphia)
17. Orthoptera
18. Odonata
19. Thysanoptera
20. Isoptera
21. Coleoptera
22. Lepidoptera
23. Hemiptera
24. Diptera
25. Hymenoptera
26. Dermaptera
27. Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
28. Grasshopper (Poekilocerus pictus)
29. Honey Bee (Apis indica)
30. House Fly (Musca domestica)
31. Mosquito
32. Termites
33. Drosophila
34. Common Insects
35. Silver Fish (Lepisma)
36. Ricebug (Leptocorisa varicornis)
37. Stick Insect (Carausius)
38. Leaf Insect (Phyllium)
39. Mayfly (Ephemera)
40. Dragonfly
41. Bedbug (Cimex)
42. Head Louse
43. Lac Insect
44. Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros)
45. Ant
46. Fleas
47. Morphology of Insect Head
48. Morphology of Insect Thorax
49. Morphology of Insect Abdomen
50. Mouthparts of Insects
51. Integumentary Systems
52. Development of Insects
53. caterpillars
54. Pupae
55. Nymphs
56. Naiads
57. Physiology of Molting
58. Endocrine control of Molting and Metamorphosis in Insects
59. Physiology of Respiration
60. Aerial Respiration
61. Aquatic Respiration
62. circulatory System of Insects
63. Structure of Insect’s Heart
64. Hemolymph and its composition
65. Mechanism of Hemolymph circulation
66. Malpighian Tubules
67. Role of Rectum in Water and Ionic Regulation
68. Nervous System
69. Stridulatory Organs
70. Reproductive System
71. Male Reproductive System
72. Female Reproductive System
73. Types of Ovaries
74. Vitellogenesis in Insects
75. Accessory Reproductive Glands
76. Viviparity in Insects
77. Apiculture
78. Sericulture
79. Silkworm – Types
80. Silkworm – Life History
81. Silkworm – Disease Management
82. Silkworm – Rearing Method
83. Lac culture
84. Beneficial Insects
85. Social Life in Insects
86. Social Life in Honey Bees
87. Social Life in Ants
88. Social Life in Termites
89. Pollinators
90. Predators
91. Parasitoids
92. Scavengers
93. Weed Killers
94. Insect Soil – Builders
95. Destructive Insects
96. Insect Pests – Definition
97. Biology of the Insect Pest
98. Causes of Pest Outbreak
99. Types of Damage to Plants by Insects
100. Pests of Sugarcane
101. Pests of Cotton
102. Pests of Paddy
103. Pests of Brinjal
104. Pests of Coconut
105. Rhinoceros Beetle
106. Red Palm Weevil
107. General Account on Personal Pests
108. Biting Insects
109. Biting Midges
110. Sand Flies
111. Black Flies (Simulium sps)
112. Horse Flies (Tabanus trimaculatus)
113. Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans)
114. Scabies
115. Major Insect Borne Diseases and their Management
116. Pest of Stored Products
117. Principles of Insect Control
118. Cultural Prophylactic Measures of Pest Control
119. Physical Prophylactic Measures of Pest Control
120. Mechanical Prophylactic Measures of Pest Control
121. Chemical Methods of Insect Control 346-348
122. Biological Control – Parasites, Predators, Microbial Agents
123. Genetic Control of Insects
124. Quarantine
125. Pheromones
126. Chemosterilants
127. Irradiation
128. Pest Management / Control strategies
129. Methods of Pest Control
130. Natural Pest Control
131. Merits and Demerits of Natural Pest Control
132. Artificial Pest Control
133. Merits and Demerits of Artificial Pest Control
134. Integrated Pest Management
135. Development and uses of Pest Resistant Plant Varieties
136. IPM – Concepts and Practices
137. Integration of IPM Methods
138. Potential Components of IPM
139. Need for IPM
140. Uses of IPM
141. Integrated Pest Management in Rice
142. Vector Biology
143. Vectors of Veterinary
144. Medicinal Value of Insects
145. Aesthetical Value of Insects
146. Insects as Human Food
147. Pesticides
148. Classification of Pesticides
149. Types of Formulation of Pesticides
150. Mode of Action of Pesticides
151. Toxicity of Pesticides
152. First Aid for Pesticide Exposure
153. Banned Pesticides
154. Insecticide Resistance
155. Environmental Safety Against Pesticides
156. Non-Conventional Methods of Pest Control
157. Sterilization Techniques of Pest Control
158. Liquid Vaporizers
159. RNA Interferences in Pest Control
160. Kairomones
161. Insect Growth Regulators
162. Repellents
163. Forensic Entomology
164. Medical Entomology
165. Collection of Insects
166. Preservation of Insects