Invertebrata Volume 1

Invertebrata Volume 1


General Characters 
Type Study 
General Topics
SKU: 9789386519221 Category: Tag:
ISBN : 9789386519221
Author : , ,
Number of Pages : 1238
Edition : 1 Format : Paperback
Language : English
Publisher : Saras Publication



1. Introduction 
2. Sub-divisions of Zoology
3. Biodiversity
4. Taxonomy, Biosystematics 
5. Principles of Taxonomy 
6. Molecular Taxonomy 
7. DNA Barcoding
8. History of Taxonomy
9. Theories of Biological Classification 
10. Methods of Classification
11. Domains and Kingdoms
12. Taxonomy of Hierarchy
13. Species Concepts
14. ICZN 
15. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature - ICZN code
16. Binomial Nomenclature
17. Dichotomous Key 
18. Invertebrates
19. Classification of Animals 
20. Classification of Animals based on Grades of Organization 
21. Classification of Animal based on Symmetry
22. Classification based on Body Cavity 
23. Metamerism
24. The Miracle of Origin and Evolution of Plants and Animals 
25. Protozoa -General Characters
26. Protozoa - Classification
27. Protozoa -MuseumSpecimens
28. Euglena
29. Volvox 
30. Trypanosoma
31. Amoeba proteus 
32. Entamoeba histolytica 
33. Elphidium (Polystomella)
34. Plasmodium
36. Paramecium, 
37. Suctoria 
38. Locomotion in Protozoa
39. Nutrition in Protozoa
40. Reproduction in Protozoa
41. Parasites of Protozoa 
42. Economic Importance of Protozoa
43. Osmoregulation in Protozoa
44. Porifera General Characters
45. Porifera Classification 
46. Porifera Museum Specimens
47. Olynthus
48. Ascon Sponge (Leucosolenia)
49. Sycon Sponge (Scypha)
50. Canal Systemin Sponges
51. Reproduction in Sponges
52. Histology of Sponges
53. Skeleton in Sponges
54. Cnidaria (Coelenterata) General Characters 
55. Cnidaria Classification 
56. Cnidaria -Museum Specimens 
57. Hydra
58. Obelia 
59. Aurelia
60. Sea Anemone (Metridium)
61. Nematocysts 
62. PolymorphisminCoelenterata
63. Corals
64. Coral Reefs
65. Mesenteries in Anthozoa
66. Platyhelminthes General Characters 
67. Platyhelminthes Classification
68. Platyhelminthes Museum Specimens 
69. Planaria (Dugesia)
70. Liver Fluke (Fasciola hepatica)
71. TapeWorm
72. Parasitic Adaptations of Liver Fluke 
73. Parasitic Adaptations of Helminth Parasites 
74. Platyhelminth Parasites of Man and Domestic Animals 
75. Nematoda (Aschelminthes) General Characters
76. Nematoda -Classification 
77. Nematoda Museum Specimens 
78. Ascaris lumbricoides
79. Wuchereria bancrofti (Filarialworm) 
80. Dracunculus medinensis (Guineaworm) 
81. Ancylostoma duodenale (Hookworm)
82. Enterobius vermicularis 
83. Parasitic Adaptations of Ascaris or Nematodes
84. Economic Importance of Aschelminthes
85. Annelida -General Characters 
86. Annelida Classification
87. Annelida Museum Specimens
88. Nereis
89. Earthworm- (Megascolexmouritii) 
90. Earthworm-Pheretima posthuma 
91. Leech-Hirudinaria granulosa 
92. Coelom 
93. Metamerism in Annelida 
94. Adaptive Radiation in Annelida
95. Asexual Reproduction in Polychaetes
96. Feeding in Polychaetes 
97. Excretion in Annelida
98. Vermiculture 
99. Economic Importance of Annelida
100. Arthropoda General Characters
101. Arthropoda Classification
102. Arthropoda - Museum Specimens
103. Penaeus -Marine Prawn 
104. Palaemon - Freshwater Prawn
105. Cockroach - Periplaneta americana
106. Grasshopper
107. Honey Bee
108. House Fly - Musca domestica
109. Mosquito
110. Termites
111. Scorpion
112. Centipede - Scolopendra
113. Millipede-Spirostreptus
114. Sacculina
115. Limulus
116. Peripatus
117. Tagmatization (Tagmatosis) 
118. Larval Forms of Crustacea
119. Crustacean Parasites
120. Respiration in Arthropoda
121. Excretion in Arthropoda
122. Mouthparts in Insects
123. Insect Metamorphosis 
124. Neurosecretion in Insects
125. Commercial Products of Insects
126. Beneficial Insects
127. Lac Insect
128. Honey Bee 
129. Silk Worm 
130. Lac Insect and Lac Culture
131. Honey Bee as a Beneficial Insect 
132. Silk Worm and Sericulture
133. Economic Importance of Insects 
134. Pests and Pest Control 
135. Arthropod Vectors
136. Oryctes Rhinoceros
137. Leptocorisa
138. Control of Insects
139. Social Life in Insects
140. Social Life in Ants
141. Honey Bee as a Social Insect
142. Red Crab Migration
143. Ant Empire
144. Mollusca General Characters 
145. Mollusca - Classification
146. Mollusca - Museum Specimens 
147. Neopilina
148. Pila
149. Lamellidens
150. Sepia
151. Respiration in Mollusca
152. Foot in Mollusca
153. Torsion in Mollusca
154. Cephalopods are Advanced Molluscs
155. Economic Importance of Mollusca 
156. Oyster Culture
157. Pearl Industry 
158. Echinodermata - General Characters
159. Echinodermata - Classification
160. Echinodermata - Museum Specimens
161. Star Fish - (Asterias rubens) 
162. Sea Urchin (Salmacis bicolor)
163. Sea Cucumber Cucumaria elongata
164. Sea LilyAntedon rosacea 
165. T.S. of anArmof Star Fish
166. Pedicellariae
167. Water Vascular System
168. Larval Forms of Echinodermata
169. Hemichordata General Characters 
170. Hemichordata - Classification
171. Hemichordata - Museum Specimens 
172. Balanoglossus
173. Affinities of Hemichordates
174. Balanoglossus is an Invertebrate and not a Chordate - Justify

Additional information

Weight1600 g
Dimensions9 × 6.1 × 1 in


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