
1. Introduction to Angiosperms
2. Systems of Classification
3. Plant Nomenclature
4. Botanical Survey of India (BSI)
5. Morphology of Angiosperms
6. Description of Angiospermic Plant
7. Field and Herbarium Techniques
8. Taxonomy in Relation to Cytology and Phytochemistry
9. Annonaceae
10. Nymphaeaceae
11. Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
12. Sterculiaceae
13. Rutaceae
14. Meliaceae
15. Anacardiaceae
16. Caesalpinioideae
17. Mimosoideae
18. Myrtaceae
19. Cucurbitaceae
20. Apiaceae
21. Rubiaceae
22. Asteraceae
23. Asclepiadaceae
24. Apocynaceae
25. Convolvulaceae
26. Solanaceae
27. Acanthaceae
28. Lamiaceae
29. Euphorbiaceae
30. Liliaceae
31. Cannaceae
32. Arecaceae (Palmae)
33. Orchidaceae
34. Poaceae
35. Sapotaceae
36. Papilionaceae
37. Zingiberaceae
38. Paris Code, 1867
39. Economically Important Plants
40. Processing of Tea
41. Processing of Coffee
42. Extraction of Sandalwood Oil
43. Extraction of Eucalyptus Oil
44. Introduction to Ethnobotany
45. Tribes of Tamilnadu
46. Knowledge of Tribes on Plants
47. Tribal Medicines
48. Medicinal Botany