
1. Introduction to Algae
2. Habits and Habitats of Algae
3. The Range of Thallus Structure in Algae
4. Structure of Algal Cells
5. Reproduction in Algae
6. Life Cycles in Algae
7. Origin and Evolution of sex in Algae
8. Classification of Algae
9. Cyanophyceae
10. Chlorophyceae
11. Charophyceae
12. Xanthophyceae
13. Bacillariophyceae
14. Phaeophyceae
15. Rhodophyceae
16. Oscillatoria
17. Nostoc
18. Anabaena
19. Rivularia
20. Gloeotrichia
21. Scytonema
22. Chlamydomonas
23. Gonium
24. Pandorina
25. Eudorina
26. Pleodorina
27. Volvox
28. Chlorococcum
29. Chlorella
30. Hydrodictyon
31. Pediastrum
32. Scenedesmus
33. Ulothrix
34. Ulva
35. Oedogonium
36. Cladophora
37. Fritschiella
38. Stigeoclonium
39. Coleochaete
40. Pleurococcus
41. Zygnema
42. Spirogyra
43. Closterium
44. Cosmarium
45. Caulerpa
46. Chara
47. Nitella
48. Botrydium
49. Vaucheria
50. Pinnularia
51. Diatoms
52. Ectocarpus
53. Dictyota
54. Laminaria
55. Fucus
56. Sargassum
57. Gracilaria
58. Porphyra
59. Batrachospermum
60. Polysiphonia
61. Economic Importance of Algae
62. Glossary
63. Index